Friday, October 10, 2014

Blogging Content Fast

Content for blogging can be fast with the help of a program called Content Professor.This program Content Professor can be used for brain storming and a general idea on thought about a topic.Find a topic niche with it or go with writing randomly about different topics.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blogging Platforms Success

Blogger to WordPress are the most successful popular blogging platforms of their type.Twitter is for micro-blogging.For success combining Twitter with either is success of a type for generating traffic or leads.

Blogging Makes Money

Blogging makes money easily for some people who have learned how to generate traffic by blogging.Blogging combined with Twitter and quality post is strongly suggested by some who have been blogging for a number of  years.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Money Making Traffic

Once a blog is started traffic can be generated by quality content on Twitter.In other words it's not always about qaunity of words per post that generates the most traffic.

Twitter Mobile Micro Blogging

Twitter is a resource for such as that.Micro blogging or blogging on the go per say.Twitter is not a micro website however it provides everything necessary for micro blogging on the go.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mobile Phone Blogging

Blogging by mobile phone or on the go is easy with Blogger to Wordpress.For micro blogging you could use Twitter.On modern android or Google play phones it's easy to blog from a new mobile phone.

Articles Famous Places

Four famous popular places for articles would be Ezine,Hubpages,Squidoo, and Zujava.Zujava is newer however.